Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Inspires Me: Blog it Forward

Welcome newcomers to Peanut Butter and Poetry! Blog it Forward is a chain-letter type progression of blogs linking backwards and forwards to each other in a line. Many thanks to Victoria of Sfgirlbybay for pulling this all together! More details here, as well as a full list of the 300 blogs participating and their scheduled days here. Thanks to Paris Hotel Boutique for passing the torch!

So, on to a few things that inspire me...

1. New York City


The people next to me on the subway, the museums, the amazing restaurants. How does one choose between Opera in the park, strolling across the Brooklyn Bridge, or a drink on the Met rooftop? This city is alive at all hours with an energy that shifts and changes by neighborhood. Astoria, Park Slope, the Upper East Side, the Village- each one has it's own people, vibe, trends, and architecture. Each one is a mini city of it's own. 

Credits: The poster above is by Julia Rothman, soon to grace our subway cars, and available at the MTA store. Thanks to Oh Joy for the head's up!

2. Travel

All that city energy can be draining, and I often find inspiration in new places, new faces, and new vistas. I love history- seeing something hundreds, or even thousands, of years old takes my breathe away. Exploring the world, whether it's with a scuba tank or hiking boots, helps renew my sense of wonder in this crazy world. 

Travel can also be imagining yourself in new places, like this house on it's own cliff in Iceland. Or peeking into other peoples lives via the Sartorialist. I'm not a big fashion connoisseur, most days you'll find me in jeans with my hair pulled back with the same old clip. But when I see these photos I imagine a whole life for these people. Whether it's taken in Milan, or on Madison Ave, I feel transported. 

Credits: The largest known Olmec head in Santiago Tuxtla, Mexico; Camping in Playa Tamarindo, Costa Rica; Trying out the Cu Chi Tunnels (enlarged for tourists!) in Vietnam;  From Kilimanjaro, Tanzania; Iceland photo here, as part of Heartthrobs and Villains "Let's Run Away" series; Fashion from The Sartorialist - 2/8 (man) 11/23 (woman).

3. Contemporary Photographers

I'm constantly inspired by contemporary photographers. Anyone that makes me look at the world a little differently. I love dreamy, ethereal prints, scratchy film edges, and have a huge soft spot for black and white images. 

Credits: Ballerina by Logan White, via Feaverish Photography; Field by Keith Davis Young via Lost; Freckles by Vic at Lost; Water by From Me to You; Yasmine Bleeth by Piewacket, with the story behind it here;

I hope you've enjoyed our journey through a few of my inspirations!
I now Blog it Forward to Piewacket! (what a great name, right?)


  1. wonderful inspired post! absolutely adore the photographers you spotlighted. there is a sweet & serene nature to the pieces. thanks for the indtroduction. your posts will require a return visit!

  2. Lovely collection of inspiring things! I especially love the photograph of the ballet dancer (probably because, as I observed on my blog it forward post, ballet dancers always inspire).

  3. the house on its own cliff=amazing

  4. Amazing collection of photos and photographers. And I'm with Kelly, that house on its own is magical!

  5. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.

  6. So many gorgeous photos! You've definitely inspired me!

    P.S. Love the name of your blog!

  7. Oh, that house on the cliff-hill!!!!
